Saturday, June 25, 2016

Ineza Cooperative

Ineza is a women's cooperative in Kigali selling handmade items ranging from backpacks to bookmarks, elephant dolls and table runners.  Their quality is amazing and these women really know how to work the foot pedal sewing machines like nobody's business!  Kerrlene and I went for a visit to their workshop in Remera this week after work.  Here is what I saw, including their room full of bags, purses and ties.  Kerrlene was even shown hwo to sew, since she recently had the women make her teddy bear a full outfit, hat included.  Now, she had a matching handband.  Yes, we are most certainly grown ups.  :)  Ineza cooperative partners with a local NGO, Hands of Mothers (Manos de Madres) to help sell their beautiful things at shops in Kigali and fairs in the States.

Wazungu buying some of the beautiful handmade stuff.